Mission Statement

To foster inspiring, safe, efficient and sustainable campus spaces by enhancing the collective knowledge, growth of facilities management professionals, and collaborating towards common goals.

Vision Statement

OAPPA is a progressive, relevant organization inspiring and supporting its members to be successful and impactful.



We value all members by honoring our similarities and differences, being intentional in our interactions and working together to address sector challenges and reach common goals.


We implement innovative, sustainable, industry-leading solutions and inspire creativity and curiosity to address changing needs.


We continuously learn and grow to steward the resources entrusted to us for the benefit of present and future generations.


We place equity and inclusion at the heart of what we do and work together to create an environment in which people feel supported, safe, and included regardless of the size of their institution.


We demonstrate honesty, integrity, openness and respect in our interactions.


Executive Officers



Associate Vice-President, Infrastructure & Operations, Facilities Management

Brock University

1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way
St. Catharines, ON
L2S 3A1 Canada




Executive Director, Facilities

University of Waterloo

200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON
N2L 3G1 Canada



Alp Amasya

Executive Director, Facilities Services

Toronto Metropolitan University

350 Victoria Street
Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3 Canada



Ron Ogata

Manager Renovations
Planning and Renovation, Facilities Services

York University

4700 Keele Street,
10 Rideau Road, Physical Resources Building Rm 1090
Toronto, Ontario

416 791-6485

Past President

John Witjes

Associate Vice-President (Facilities) Physical Plant Services

Queen’s University

207 Stuart St.
Rideau Building, 2nd Floor
Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6

Phone: (613) 533-3235

Energy Chair


Brock University
Director, Asset Management & Utilities

1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way 
St. Catharines, Ontario  L2S 3A1

Phone: (905) 321-5927


Membership Chair

Ron Ogata

Manager Renovations
Planning and Renovation, Facilities Services

York University

4700 Keele Street,
10 Rideau Road, Physical Resources Building Rm 1090
Toronto, Ontario

416 791-6485

Technology and Communication Chair


Professional Development Chair



Article 1 – Name

The name of this body shall be: Ontario Association of Physical Plant Administrators (OAPPA). OAPPA is a Chapter of ERAPPA The Eastern Region of the Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers.

Article 2 – Objectives

The objective of the Association is to promote co-operation among Physical Plant Administrators of the Provincially assisted Universities of Ontario, and other groups, on matters relating to staff development, planning, construction, operation and maintenance of the facilities.

Article 3 – Membership

1. Those eligible for membership shall be members of the Physical Plant Departments of Institutions, whose Executive Heads are eligible for full membership or associated membership, in the Council of Ontario Universities. Other institutions may become members with the support of not less than two-thirds of voting members present at the Annual Meeting.

2. Each member institution shall have one representative designated as the official institutional representative who will normally be the managing head of the Physical Plant Department.

3. Member institutions may select any number of additional representatives to take part in the affairs of the Association.

4. The membership may nominate, and elect by two-thirds majority vote, life members to the Association.

Article 4 – Voting

1. Voting on all matters shall be by the Official Institutional Representative. A voting member who is unable to attend a meeting should be represented by a substitute of their choosing who is a member and who will have power to vote at the meeting.

2. Approval of all general matters will be obtained by a simple majority agreement of the voting members present at a regularly constituted meeting except as otherwise specified herein.

3. The adoption of or amendment to the Constitution of the Association shall require a two-thirds majority agreement of the voting members.

4. The election of the officers of the Association shall be by a simple majority agreement of the voting members present at the Annual Meeting.

5. The establishment of standing or special sub-committees shall require a two-thirds majority agreement of the voting members. It is the responsibility of the Chair to establish the committees.

6. Election of members to a standing sub-committee shall be by a simple majority agreement of the voting members present at the Annual Meeting.

Article 5 – Officers

1. A Chair, Vice-Chair/Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected from members of the Association.

2. The Chair and Vice-Chair/secretary shall normally serve for a two year term and the Vice-Chair shall normally advance to the position of Chair at the end of their tenure.

3. The Treasurer shall normally serve for a two year term.

4. The Chair, Vice-Chair/Secretary, Treasurer and Past-Chair shall constitute the Executive of the Association.

5. The Chair and the Treasurer shall be the signing officers of the Association.

6. The Executive Committee will be directed by the Chair to ensure that matters of the Association are dealt with in an orderly fashion and will assist the host institution in organizing the Annual Meeting.

7. The Executive Committee will act as the Nominating Committee for recruiting new officers.

Article 6 – Sub-Committees

1. The Association may establish Sub-Committees from the membership to study, investigate, survey or report upon any matter pertaining to the objectives of the Association.

2. Members of special Sub-Committees may serve for the duration of the assignment.

3. The term for members of standing Sub-Committees shall normally be two years, but may be extended by a majority vote at the annual Meeting.

Article 7 – Meetings

1. A general meeting shall be held once a year and be referred to as the Annual Meeting and is normally held in the Spring. The Chair shall propose a three year location plan for the Annual meetings for consideration at the general meeting.

2. Fall, Winter and Special meetings of the Association may be called by the Chair or Vice-Chair upon giving at least one month advance notice of such meeting.

3. Meetings of the Executive or any Sub-Committee shall be called by the Chair or Vice-Chair, or Chair of the Sub-Committee concerned.

4. A majority of the voting members of the Association or of the members of a Sub-Committee shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of the Association or Sub-Committee concerned.

5. Each member institution may send representatives to Association meetings, whom it feels will benefit from or contribute to the business of any meeting of the Association.

Article 8 – Finances

1. There shall be an annual membership fee of $210.00 (to be sent to the Treasurer).

2. Each member shall be responsible for their own expenses in attending meetings or otherwise participating in the activities of the Association.

3. The Executive and/or any Sub-Committee carrying our activities approved by the Association may present a budget for extraordinary expenses anticipated as arising due to performing such activity and, if approved by the voting members, shall invoice each member institution for a proportionate share of such resulting actual extraordinary expenses. Each member institution will agree to pay promptly such invoices for approved activities or programmes.

4. The Executive may authorize expenditures of up to $1,000.00 from the treasury during the interim between meetings of the Association.

5. The Treasurer will maintain the financial records of the Association and will report the current status of those finances at each meeting of the Association.

6. The Executive shall provide for audits of accounts as may be required, and the appropriate authorizations will be maintained with the Association’s financial institution.

Amended as of March 6, 2006.