Draft – Boilers and Pressure Vessel Legislation
As per Paul Martin’s email from Friday June 16th, the following is his email as stated.
Here is the information on the Ontario Registry site for the Boiler and Pressure Vessel changes for your review.
Al Niemi from Western will be working on the group reviewing and commenting on the regulation perhaps we could get someone from U of T St. George to lead the group? Tim Schill was going to get some college folks together and perhaps a few more Universities could comment on the changes.
If you can shoot for early to mid-July this will give COU and OAPPA directors time to review your comments before OAPPA though COU makes comment on the changes.
Paul Martin, CPA, CGA, P.Mgr., C.Mgr.
Director Business Operations
Western University
Facilities Management
Support Services Building, Room 2307
London, ON, N6A 3K7
PH: 519-661-2111, ext 85421
F: 519-661-3801
Should anyone have difficulty in accessing these documents, please contact Hilda Andrade, The University of Toronto, via email at
hilda.andrade@utoronto.ca and she will forward them to you. Thank you.